
E-Bike Passion: Discover the Benefits and Joys of E-Bike Riding, Exploring New Cities

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E-Bike Passion: Discover the Benefits and Joys of E-Bike Riding, Exploring New Cities

‍Image Source: FreeImages

## Introduction to E-Bikes

E-bikes have revolutionized the way we commute and explore the great outdoors. With their electric assistance, these two-wheeled wonders have become increasingly popular among enthusiasts and casual riders alike. Whether you’re an urban dweller or an adventure seeker, e-bikes offer a range of benefits that make them an attractive alternative to traditional bicycles. In this article, we will delve into the world of e-bikes, exploring the advantages they bring, the joy they provide in discovering new cities, and how they can contribute to your fitness journey.

Advantages of Riding an E-Bike

E-bikes offer a myriad of advantages over conventional bicycles. One of the key benefits is the electric assistance they provide, making uphill climbs and long distances a breeze. With just a flick of a switch, you can adjust the level of assistance to match your riding style and fitness level. This means you can ride longer distances without feeling exhausted, making e-bikes a great option for commuters and those who want to explore new and exciting cities in their area.

In addition to the electric assistance, e-bikes are also eco-friendly. By choosing to ride an e-bike instead of driving a car, you contribute to reducing air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. This not only benefits the environment but also improves the overall air quality in our cities. Furthermore, e-bikes are more cost-effective than cars, requiring less maintenance and no fuel expenses. Investing in an e-bike is not only a smart choice for your wallet but also for the planet.

Another advantage of e-bikes is their accessibility. People of all ages and fitness levels can enjoy the benefits of e-bike riding. The electric assistance allows riders to travel at their own pace, making it easier for beginners and older individuals to keep up with more experienced riders. This inclusivity aspect of e-bikes fosters a sense of community and brings people together, regardless of their physical abilities.

The Joy of Exploring New Cities by E-Bike

One of the greatest joys of riding an e-bike is the freedom it provides to explore new cities and areas. Whether you’re a local looking to rediscover your own city or a traveler keen on discovering new destinations, e-bikes offer a unique and exciting way to navigate through urban landscapes. With an e-bike, you can effortlessly glide through traffic, bypassing congested streets and reaching your destination in a fraction of the time.

In addition to the time-saving aspect, e-bikes allow you to discover hidden gems and lesser-known neighborhoods that are often missed by traditional means of transportation. You can effortlessly weave through narrow alleys, explore local markets, and stumble upon charming cafes and shops. The electric assistance ensures that you can cover more ground and make the most out of your city exploration.

Furthermore, e-bikes provide an immersive experience, allowing you to engage with your surroundings on a deeper level. You can feel the pulse of the city as you ride through its vibrant streets, taking in the sights, sounds, and smells that make each place unique. E-bike riding not only offers a practical mode of transportation but also a way to connect with the soul of a city and its inhabitants.

E-Bikes and Fitness: Ride Hard and Stay Fit

Contrary to popular belief, e-bike riding can be an excellent form of exercise. While the electric assistance of e-bikes makes riding more accessible, it doesn’t mean that you can’t break a sweat and improve your fitness level. In fact, e-bikes offer a wide range of fitness benefits that can help you achieve your health goals while enjoying the ride.

One of the advantages of e-bikes is that they allow riders to control the level of assistance. If you’re looking for a challenge, you can choose to ride with minimal electric assistance, relying more on your own strength and endurance. This way, you can push yourself harder and benefit from a full-body workout. Riding an e-bike also engages your core muscles, as you need to maintain balance and stability while navigating through different terrains.

E-bikes are particularly beneficial for individuals who are recovering from injuries or have joint problems. The electric assistance can provide the necessary support, allowing you to exercise without putting excessive strain on your body. This makes e-bikes a great option for those who want to stay active and fit, regardless of their physical limitations.

Moreover, e-bike riding encourages regular physical activity by making it a fun and enjoyable experience. Unlike traditional exercise routines that can feel monotonous, riding an e-bike allows you to explore new routes, enjoy the scenery, and experience the thrill of speed. By incorporating e-bike riding into your fitness routine, you can stay motivated and make exercise a regular part of your lifestyle.

Safety Tips for E-Bikes

When riding an e-bike, it’s important to prioritize safety to ensure a pleasant and secure riding experience. Here are some essential tips to keep in mind:

  1. Always wear a helmet: Protecting your head is crucial in case of accidents or falls.
  2. Observe traffic rules: Treat your e-bike like any other vehicle and follow traffic regulations.
  3. Be visible: Use lights and wear reflective clothing, especially when riding at night.
  4. Be aware of your surroundings: Stay alert and anticipate potential hazards on the road.
  5. Maintain your e-bike: Regularly check the brakes, tires, and other components to ensure they are in good working condition.
  6. Ride defensively: Assume that other road users may not see you and take precautions accordingly.

By following these safety tips, you can enjoy the benefits of e-bike riding while minimizing the risks associated with it.

Choosing the Right E-Bike for Your Needs

With the growing popularity of e-bikes, there is now a wide range of models and types available in the market. Choosing the right e-bike for your needs can seem overwhelming, but with a few considerations, you can find the perfect fit. Here are some factors to consider when selecting an e-bike:

  1. Riding style: Determine whether you’ll be using your e-bike for commuting, off-road adventures, or leisurely rides.
  2. Range and battery life: Consider the distance you’ll be traveling and choose an e-bike with a battery that suits your needs.
  3. Motor type: Decide between hub motors, which are generally more affordable, or mid-drive motors, which provide better weight distribution and handling.
  4. Frame type: Choose between a step-through or diamond frame based on your preference and ease of mounting and dismounting.
  5. Test ride: Whenever possible, test ride different e-bike models to get a feel for their performance and comfort.

By evaluating these factors and considering your preferences, you can choose an e-bike that aligns with your riding style and caters to your specific needs.

E-Bike Accessories and Equipment

To enhance your e-bike riding experience, there are several accessories and equipment available that can improve convenience, safety, and comfort. Here are a few essential accessories to consider:

  1. Lock: Invest in a sturdy lock to secure your e-bike when you’re not riding it.
  2. Lights: Install front and rear lights to enhance your visibility and ensure safety, especially during low-light conditions.
  3. Panniers or baskets: These storage options allow you to carry your belongings while riding, making commuting or grocery shopping a breeze.
  4. Fenders: Keep yourself and your e-bike clean by installing fenders that protect against mud and water splashes.
  5. Mirrors: Enhance your situational awareness by attaching mirrors to your handlebars, allowing you to monitor traffic behind you.

These accessories are just a few examples of what’s available in the market. Depending on your needs and preferences, you can customize your e-bike with accessories that make your riding experience more enjoyable and convenient.

E-Bike Maintenance and Care

To ensure the longevity and optimal performance of your e-bike, regular maintenance and care are essential. Here are some maintenance tips to keep your e-bike in top shape:

  1. Clean your e-bike regularly: Remove dirt, dust, and debris to prevent them from affecting the bike’s components.
  2. Check the tire pressure: Proper tire pressure ensures a smooth and comfortable ride while reducing the risk of flats.
  3. Lubricate the chain: Apply a suitable lubricant to the chain to reduce friction and ensure smooth gear shifting.
  4. Keep the battery charged: Regularly charge your e-bike’s battery to maintain its capacity and longevity.
  5. Store your e-bike properly: When not in use, store your e-bike in a dry and secure location to protect it from weather elements and theft.

By following these maintenance practices, you can prolong the lifespan of your e-bike and enjoy its benefits for years to come.

Joining E-Bike Communities and Clubs

E-bike riding is not just a solitary activity; it’s an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion. Joining e-bike communities and clubs can enhance your riding experience by providing a platform for knowledge sharing, group rides, and socializing. These communities often organize group rides, where you can explore new routes and meet fellow e-bike enthusiasts.

Additionally, e-bike communities and clubs are a valuable source of information and support. Whether you’re seeking advice on maintenance, looking for recommendations on e-bike routes, or simply want to share your riding experiences, these communities provide a space where you can connect with others who understand your love for e-bikes.

Conclusion: Get Infected by the Passion for E-Bikes and Enjoy the Ride!

E-bikes have opened up a world of possibilities for riders of all ages and fitness levels. From the advantages they bring, such as electric assistance and eco-friendliness, to the joy of exploring new cities and staying fit, e-bikes offer a unique and exciting way to commute and embrace an active lifestyle. By following safety tips, choosing the right e-bike, and maintaining it properly, you can enjoy the benefits of e-bike riding for years to come.

So, why not get infected by the passion for e-bikes and embark on your own journey? Start exploring your city, discover new routes, and connect with others who share your enthusiasm. Whether you’re a seasoned rider or new to the world of e-bikes, there’s no better time to join the revolution and experience the freedom, joy, and adventure that e-bike riding offers. So hop on your e-bike, embrace the open road, and enjoy the ride!


E-Bike Passion – This one is in German


E-Bikes haben in den letzten Jahren einen enormen Aufschwung erlebt und sind zu einer beliebten Alternative zu herkömmlichen Fahrrädern geworden. Mit ihrem elektrischen Antrieb ermöglichen sie ein müheloseres und komfortableres Fahrerlebnis. Egal, ob Sie ein erfahrener Radfahrer oder ein Neuling sind, die E-Bike-Leidenschaft kann auch Sie begeistern.

Vorteile des E-Bike-Fahrens

Das Fahren eines E-Bikes bietet zahlreiche Vorteile gegenüber herkömmlichen Fahrrädern. Der elektrische Antrieb unterstützt Sie beim Treten und erleichtert das Fahren bergauf oder gegen den Wind. Dadurch können Sie längere Strecken zurücklegen und steilere Strecken bewältigen, ohne dabei völlig außer Atem zu geraten. E-Bikes sind eine großartige Möglichkeit, Ihre Mobilität zu verbessern und Ihre Grenzen zu erweitern.

Darüber hinaus sind E-Bikes umweltfreundlich und stellen eine nachhaltige Transportoption dar. Sie reduzieren den CO2-Ausstoß im Vergleich zu Autos und sind somit eine umweltfreundlichere Alternative für den täglichen Pendelverkehr. Indem Sie auf ein E-Bike umsteigen, leisten Sie einen Beitrag zum Umweltschutz und tragen zur Verbesserung der Luftqualität bei.

Ein weiterer Vorteil des E-Bike-Fahrens ist die Möglichkeit, Ihre Fitness zu verbessern. Obwohl der elektrische Antrieb Sie unterstützt, müssen Sie dennoch in die Pedale treten und aktiv bleiben. Durch das regelmäßige Fahren können Sie Ihre Ausdauer steigern und Ihre Muskeln stärken. Es ist eine großartige Möglichkeit, sich fit zu halten und gleichzeitig die Freude am Radfahren zu erleben.

Die Freude am Erkunden neuer Städte mit dem E-Bike

Eine der aufregendsten Möglichkeiten, die E-Bike-Leidenschaft zu erleben, besteht darin, neue Städte zu erkunden. Mit einem E-Bike können Sie die Schönheit und Kultur einer Stadt auf eine ganz neue Art und Weise erleben. Sie können problemlos von einer Sehenswürdigkeit zur nächsten fahren und dabei die Freiheit genießen, die Ihnen ein E-Bike bietet.

Das Erkunden neuer Städte mit dem E-Bike eröffnet Ihnen die Möglichkeit, versteckte Juwelen und unbekannte Orte zu entdecken, die Sie mit dem Auto oder zu Fuß vielleicht nicht erreichen könnten. Sie können durch charmante Gassen radeln, malerische Plätze besuchen und das lokale Leben hautnah erleben. Das E-Bike ermöglicht es Ihnen, sich frei zu bewegen und die Stadt in Ihrem eigenen Tempo zu erkunden.

Darüber hinaus bietet das E-Bike eine großartige Möglichkeit, lange Strecken zurückzulegen und verschiedene Stadtviertel zu erkunden. Sie können mühelos von einem Stadtteil zum anderen fahren und dabei die kulturelle Vielfalt und die verschiedenen Atmosphären genießen. Das E-Bike eröffnet Ihnen neue Perspektiven und ermöglicht es Ihnen, Ihre Umgebung auf eine dynamische und aufregende Weise zu erleben.

E-Bikes und Fitness: Hart fahren und fit bleiben

E-Bikes sind nicht nur für gemütliche Fahrten gedacht, sondern können auch für intensive Trainingseinheiten genutzt werden. Wenn Sie Ihre Fitness verbessern möchten, können Sie mit einem E-Bike durchaus hart fahren und fit bleiben. Der elektrische Antrieb unterstützt Sie dabei, längere Strecken und steilere Anstiege zu bewältigen, während Sie gleichzeitig aktiv bleiben.

Indem Sie regelmäßig intensives E-Bike-Training durchführen, können Sie Ihre Ausdauer steigern und Ihre Muskeln stärken. Sie können verschiedene Routen wählen, die Herausforderungen bieten und Ihr Training auf die nächste Stufe heben. Das E-Bike ermöglicht es Ihnen, Ihr Training anzupassen und Ihre Grenzen zu erweitern, während Sie die Freude am Radfahren genießen.

Es ist wichtig, beim E-Bike-Fahren auf Ihre Sicherheit zu achten. Tragen Sie immer einen Helm und achten Sie darauf, dass Ihr E-Bike in einem guten Zustand ist. Beachten Sie die örtlichen Verkehrsregeln und fahren Sie defensiv. Indem Sie sich an diese Sicherheitstipps halten, können Sie das E-Bike-Fahren sicher und ohne Sorgen genießen.

Tipps zur Auswahl des richtigen E-Bikes für Ihre Bedürfnisse

Bei der Auswahl eines E-Bikes ist es wichtig, Ihre Bedürfnisse und Vorlieben zu berücksichtigen. Es gibt verschiedene Arten von E-Bikes, darunter City-E-Bikes, Trekking-E-Bikes und Mountain-E-Bikes. Jede Art hat ihre eigenen Merkmale und eignet sich für unterschiedliche Zwecke.

Wenn Sie das E-Bike hauptsächlich in der Stadt nutzen möchten, ist ein City-E-Bike eine gute Wahl. Diese E-Bikes sind für den urbanen Verkehr optimiert und bieten Komfort und Wendigkeit. Wenn Sie gerne längere Strecken zurücklegen und das E-Bike für Touren nutzen möchten, ist ein Trekking-E-Bike die richtige Wahl. Diese E-Bikes sind für lange Fahrten konzipiert und bieten Stabilität und Komfort.

Wenn Sie gerne abseits der ausgetretenen Pfade fahren und Offroad-Abenteuer erleben möchten, ist ein Mountain-E-Bike die beste Wahl. Diese E-Bikes sind robust und leistungsstark und bieten Ihnen die Möglichkeit, anspruchsvolles Gelände zu bewältigen. Es ist wichtig, das E-Bike auszuwählen, das Ihren Bedürfnissen und Anforderungen am besten entspricht, um das beste Fahrerlebnis zu erzielen.

E-Bike-Zubehör und Ausstattung

Um Ihr E-Bike-Erlebnis zu optimieren, gibt es eine Vielzahl von Zubehör und Ausstattungen, die Sie in Betracht ziehen können. Ein Gepäckträger ist praktisch, um Ihre Einkäufe oder Ihre Ausrüstung zu transportieren. Ein Fahrradcomputer kann nützlich sein, um Ihre Geschwindigkeit und Entfernung zu verfolgen. Ebenso können Schutzbleche, ein Fahrradschloss und eine Fahrradklingel sinnvolle Ergänzungen sein.

Darüber hinaus können Sie auch überlegen, eine spezielle E-Bike-Bekleidung zu tragen, die Ihnen zusätzlichen Komfort und Schutz bietet. Es gibt E-Bike-Helme, die speziell für die Bedürfnisse von E-Bike-Fahrern entwickelt wurden und eine verbesserte Belüftung und Sicherheit bieten. Ebenso können gepolsterte Fahrradhosen und atmungsaktive Radtrikots Ihr Fahrerlebnis angenehmer machen.

E-Bike-Wartung und Pflege

Damit Ihr E-Bike in einem optimalen Zustand bleibt, ist regelmäßige Wartung und Pflege wichtig. Überprüfen Sie regelmäßig den Reifendruck, die Bremsen und die Kette. Reinigen Sie Ihr E-Bike nach Fahrten im Regen oder bei starkem Schmutz gründlich. Achten Sie darauf, dass der Akku ordnungsgemäß geladen ist und lagern Sie ihn bei Bedarf an einem kühlen und trockenen Ort.

Wenn Sie sich unsicher sind, können Sie Ihr E-Bike zur Inspektion zu einem Fachhändler bringen. Dort können sie sicherstellen, dass alles ordnungsgemäß funktioniert und eventuelle Probleme beheben. Indem Sie Ihr E-Bike regelmäßig warten und pflegen, können Sie sicherstellen, dass es Ihnen langfristig Freude bereitet und zuverlässig bleibt.

Teilnahme an E-Bike-Gemeinschaften und -Clubs

Möchten Sie Ihre E-Bike-Leidenschaft mit anderen teilen und sich mit Gleichgesinnten austauschen? Dann sollten Sie in Erwägung ziehen, einer E-Bike-Gemeinschaft oder einem E-Bike-Club beizutreten. Diese Gemeinschaften bieten die Möglichkeit, sich mit anderen E-Bike-Fahrern zu vernetzen, Erfahrungen auszutauschen und gemeinsame Ausflüge zu unternehmen.

In E-Bike-Clubs können Sie von der Erfahrung anderer Mitglieder profitieren und neue Routen und Ziele entdecken. Sie können an organisierten Touren teilnehmen und sich in einer unterstützenden und motivierenden Umgebung bewegen. Die Teilnahme an E-Bike-Gemeinschaften und -Clubs kann Ihnen helfen, Ihre E-Bike-Leidenschaft zu vertiefen und neue Freunde zu finden, die Ihre Begeisterung teilen.

Fazit: Lassen Sie sich von der E-Bike-Leidenschaft anstecken und genießen Sie das Fahrerlebnis!

Das Fahren eines E-Bikes bietet zahlreiche Vorteile und Freuden. Es ermöglicht Ihnen, längere Strecken zurückzulegen, steilere Anstiege zu bewältigen und neue Städte und Gegenden zu erkunden. Mit einem E-Bike können Sie Ihre Fitness verbessern und gleichzeitig die Umwelt schonen.

Indem Sie das richtige E-Bike für Ihre Bedürfnisse auswählen, Zubehör und Ausstattungen nutzen, Ihr E-Bike regelmäßig warten und sich einer E-Bike-Gemeinschaft anschließen, können Sie das Beste aus Ihrer E-Bike-Leidenschaft herausholen. Lassen Sie sich von der Begeisterung für E-Bikes anstecken und genießen Sie das Fahrerlebnis!

Unexpected China

My son and I landed in Beijing and after a short layover flew into the deep depths of China. We flew a small Air China craft into the Henan province. Henan is almost the geographic middle of China. Into the city of Zhengzhou. This city is huge and has recently become famous for its Foxconn factory. This is where all Apple products are made..

My first impressions of the city are: It is a bustling metropolis, huge and very foreign and exotic!

The above shots are from the taxi heading into the city from the airport.

One thing I have noticed is that the Chinese build for the future. The airport was very oversized and under used but the growth in the area has been so dramatic I’m sure that will change soon.

I see this in the city too. Even though there are millions many recently constructed areas are empty. I’ll try and visit one and add some photos.

One thing I can say is that Zhengzhou has very little westerners… I have not seen one all day. Just me!

Scenes from Zhengzhou :

The Next Adventure Begins: China

My son and I were up early this morning to ensure we wouldn’t be late for our flight, we also had to take into consideration that today was the first day of “Herbstferien”, the Autumn school break here in Germany. Usually everyone is rushing to the airports to get a couple of weeks in the sun in Southern Europe, turkey or even farther reaches. The line at security can be dreadful, so it is better to have an hour extra just in case.

We headed out and arrived at the airport an hour early than the usual recommended two hours for international flights and the security lines were long, but we were through and able to relax after about an hour.

Our transportation to China was a 777-ER300 from Air China and it looked in good shape and well maintained. Our boarding time was planned for 13:55 but was delayed till 14:30 for some reason. So we got caught in the hurry up and wait program…

I paid extra for assigned seating a month or so in advance to be sure we both had aisle seats and a safe location on the plane. The plane, though an older model, was clean. My seat was another story and it was desperately in need of a refit, it felt like it had seen enough passengers and better days. Lumbar support was gone and I had the feeling of sitting in a pocket. Nothing is worse than soft, over used seats, and after an hour I was dreaming of leather Lufthansa or Emirate seats. The good news is that I was able to get up a lot and walk around during the whole flight.

Our flight plan took us directly east from Frankfurt heading toward Russia and northern Mongolia.

The food has been interesting so far, Asian and tasty. Not filling though and about 3 hours into the flight and an hour after lunch Manu was hungry again. I must be kind here, he asked the stewardess is she had anything left to eat and she gave him another full meal. This surprised me because generally there are not many extra meals. So Manu was happy and I soon became hungry…

Our schedule has us landing in Beijing at 05:30 and the we fly out to Zhengzhou at 08:00. This is quite a long layover but we will need the time to get through the passport controls and get a couple of things done. We need to exchange some money and buy a few adaptors for our chargers and such. So adding in the late take off from Frankfurt and the pass controls we should be able to get these tasks done and get to our new gate without to much stress and haste. Oh, and maybe I’ll have a snack!

Time To Prep For The Next Adventure

Not sure if you noticed, but in my last post I included a photo of myself in Tijuana standing in front of some beautiful graffiti.

That was taken about three months ago, when I had a short week in San Diego and ventured down to TJ with my sister.

We had a blast and I was really impressed with how TJ had changed in comparison to the early 80s, which was the last time I was there.

Now I start prepping for my next trip, China! Yep, land of the great firewall, I mean Great Wall.

I’ll let you peek into my travel gear and see what I’ll drag around the countryside. I think I’ll go light- still contemplating…

I’ll be flying Air China with my oldest son Manu and we are both really excited and at the same time dread the long flight.

Check back in soon, I’ll start posting more leading up to the flight. And really start hitting it once abroad.

Coming Back For More

To all my friends, family and followers over the years, I’m back!

I’ll re-open my old blog and start posting daily, or at least weekly again. During the last two years I had let the blog go due to a job change and a heavy workload. Well, I have now established myself in my current role and can manage my time better.

One change I plan to make is to add more travel posts. I do travel a lot and think that some of my destinations may be of interest. I’ll continue to focus on Technology, but will also add a spritz of travel to the recipe.

So, come back on board if you wandered off and if you are still hanging out on my blog drop me a note and say, hi…


To Microsoft and Apple, “where are your new PC’s?”

Apple and Microsoft are both wondering why their PC earnings are slumping. I’ll guess it is because they are not delivering any new models or exciting technologies.

It’s time for Microsoft to launch the Surface Pro 5.
Microsoft just reported its earnings for the quarter ended March 31, and revealed a 26 percent drop in Surface revenue. Here are a few likely reasons why that happened.

First, Microsoft’s new Surface Book with Performance Base and Surface Studio, the latest products in its family of computers, are too expensive and cost at least a couple of thousand dollars. They’re designed for professionals who are willing to spend a lot of money for a computer, not for the everyday user.

It’s the Surface Pro laptop/tablet hybrid that’s most appealing to consumers…or at least was most appealing. It’s no wonder Microsoft blamed slower Surface sales on “lower than expected Surface Pro unit volume,” on a call with CNBC.

Microsoft first announced the Surface Pro 4, the latest model, back in October 2015. Consumers who might be interested in it are rightly choosing products from competitors, like HP, Dell, Samsung and others, who are selling thinner and lighter tablets with newer components.

Microsoft needs to update the Surface Pro family with Intel’s new seventh generation chip, which is available in computers made by nearly every other manufacturer at this point (with Apple being one holdout).

Microsoft has an event in May where it will unveil new hardware, though the Surface Pro 5 isn’t supposed to be on the docket. Instead, Microsoft’s expected to introduce its new Windows 10 Cloud platform which will help it battle Google Chromebooks.

It might be wise for Microsoft to unveil the Surface Pro 5 there, too.

Frankfurt woos London banks after Brexit vote

The race has finally begun! I’m feeling very optimistic about Frankfurt as a financial hub for Europe right now.

Enjoy this article from Jonathan Gould and John O’Donnell | FRANKFURT

A German politician said on Thursday he was trying to persuade foreign banks to make Frankfurt their home after Britain’s vote to leave the European Union, and outlined how Europe’s biggest economy wants to bolster its financial capital at London’s expense.

Thomas Schaefer, finance minister of the state of Hesse which includes Frankfurt, said he had spoken to London banks with an arm in Frankfurt as well as others, and sought to persuade potential movers that local labour law and tax were not overly onerous.
“We are listening very carefully to the questions that the financial sector has after the Brexit vote,” Schaefer, a member of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union party, told reporters. “We are campaigning for Hesse because the financial centre of Frankfurt has a lot to offer,” he said at a meeting, where numerous Union Jack flags were put on display.

Most German politicians have so far been reluctant to publicly push Frankfurt as an alternative to London. Many Germans remain hostile to banks after the financial crash.
Schaefer’s remarks suggest momentum may now be growing behind Frankfurt, less than two months after Britain voted in a referendum to leave the European Union — a process referred to as Brexit.
Schaefer did not, however, offer any prospect of special deals to cut tax or any other concessions. He said the city’s infrastructure and the fact that it hosted the European Central Bank were reason enough to move there.
Schaefer said he had held talks with “all kinds of players” but that many had wanted to keep the contact secret. “There is a fear of being considered disloyal in the London community,” he said.

The comments come as Germany’s banks, worried that Frankfurt could get left behind as rival cities such as Dublin or Amsterdam compete for London’s business, urged the country’s politicians to step up their efforts.The head of Germany’s BDB banking association had criticised politicians earlier on Thursday for being slow to act. “My impression is that France is being more active in support of Paris,” Michael Kemmer told journalists
Kemmer also urged Germany to abandon plans to introduce a tax on financial transactions, a levy backed by the country’s finance minister Wolfgang Schaeuble.

Schaeuble’s support for such a measure is, however, largely symbolic and there is little prospect of banks that move to Frankfurt facing such a trading levy. Years of talks to introduce the charge in Europe have yielded nothing.Many banks or fund managers based in London are there in part because it allows them to sell their products within the wider European Union of 28 countries.

That would most likely change if Britain were to leave the bloc. A bank based in Germany or France, however, would still have its ‘passport’ to sell across the EU.

Frank Niehage, head of FinTech Group, a financial technology specialist, recently said there had been a rise in enquiries from London banks.

“We know … that they are looking here for alternative office space for their employees out of London.

Reuters UK – 13 h ago

To Evolve We Must Accept Change

Evolution is so important to us as a race. Humans need to move forward, develop, change.
We know this to be true
and yet it so hard to do so. Sometimes the simplest change can be frustratingly tough to make even though we know, deep down, it is for the best. Inside, we understand that just a small change is all we need to feel better, move-on and evolve. Yet somehow we are hindered by fear, worry and a hundred other obstacles.

We seem to be confronted by these obstacles daily. Worst of all, it gets harder as we age. It seems all our fears, threats and worries magnify every ten to twenty years.

Being in the IT business, we are very analytical in our approach to change. We break down the process to ensure that when we make a change we are doing it properly and for the right reasons. This is simply the scientific methodology to the process of change.  I have found, over the years, that this structured approach is extremely helpful in my personal life, especially when I know, in my gut,  I need to make a change.

What are my fears? What keeps me from evolving and making a change – IMPACT ! Yes impact, this is what we all fear. One of the first things I ask my team prior to a change is if they have done an impact analysis. I am always interested in the results of the impact analysis and on some odd level, the change itself becomes obscure and less important than the risks and impact. I apply this model to my personal life all the time. I ask myself;  If I make this change, what will be the impact on my lifestyle, children and health? Sure, there are other factors, but these, are often significant enough for me to keep from making quick changes and enjoying their benefits, what we call- quick wins. Sadly, the older I get, the more cautious I become.

What am I getting at here?  Do not be afraid of change. Embrace it as a fundamental part of personal evolution, if the change seems too tough, do an impact analysis. Weigh the benefits and the downsides, analyze the RISK.

Get out there and move forward, change – evolve!